
Busiest Day

March 10, 2012

So my stats tell me that March 10, 2011 was my busiest day thus far with 84 visitors to my blog. I can only conclude that some how I managed to be Freshly Pressed that day. What an honor!

I do not believe this will happen again on this day but I would love to be Freshly Pressed in the future.

The steady, faithful visitors are great. I love hearing from anyone who stops by. I hope I am educating as well as entertaining. Most importantly, though, this blog has been a great outlet for me. And I do enjoy getting text messages from DH reminding me to spellcheck. HA!

Last week I got my 37th follower: Welcome Fresh Ink

Of course My Site Stats do not match up. One says I have 23 WordPress followers and 5 email followers. The other gives the nice total of 37, with 28 blog followers and 9 email followers. Which is correct? I’ll never know because I cannot figure out how I can have 35 views and yet data for only 19 pages/posts/whatever. Oh, and don’t get me started on the spammers.

That being said, I’ll gladly take the 37th follower. But what I’d really like is a 38th follower for my 38th birthday. That would definitely help me achieve one of my One Month goals.

I’d probably have more followers if I actually came clean and told my friends about this blog. It is so hard to let go of this anonymous security blanket! We’ll see.

Enjoy your Saturday. I hope you are having a sunny March day! In like a lion… out like a lamb!


  1. I have you listed on my blogscroll, I hope you get your birthday wish.

    • Miss Kitty, you are too kind! Thank you so much!

  2. HAHA the joke is on me–66 of those 81 visitor views came from spam referrers that weren’t even in English! I will have to go back and see which post made it to Freshly Pressed. 😛

  3. My eco blog has been Freshly Pressed a few times in the past year, which is always exciting and thrilling, but also a little stressful because it means I have to pay close attention to comments and moderate all the new ones.

    I’ve never been able to figure out WordPress stats either. 🙂

  4. Pleasing you should think of soenmhitg like that

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