Archive for January, 2015


Greyt News!

January 18, 2015

Back in my earlier days of consistently writing for Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop, the owner of that blog–the fabulous Mama Kat–took notice of my sweet grey Cassie. We exchanged a few comments about our mutual love and affection for these graceful and loveable dogs. When I saw her Instagram feed explode this week with pictures of their adventures in fostering a retired greyhound, I was ecstatic!

Check out her IG account: @mamakatslosinit posted so many adorable pictures and very valid reasons on why everyone should adopt one of their own in a posted “30 Reasons Greyhounds are Gentle Giants…”

And now I will blow up my feed with a few pictures of our current greys, Crookshanks and Hedwig. They turned six on Dec. 3rd and we adopted them three years ago on January 14th, 2012. Enjoy!






Crook being stingy and not letting her sister have a bed


Crook giving me “crazy eyes”. “Not another picture, human or I will come get you!”


Heddie taking a break in one of the kennels. They rotate where they take their naps all day long. Greyhounds can sleep up to 18 hours a day. Having choices seems to make them happy.




Apparently I wasn’t showing them enough attention so they plopped on the hard floor without cushions to make sure I saw them.


Right after we picked them up from the kennel for boarding while we were in Hawaii. I missed them so much and they missed us! Not a great picture but it captures the energy in the truck.


Heddie “captured” a “rabbit” at the Faire and was doing a great bow.


Heddie greets a special visitor at the Faire. We work three weekends out of 5. The greys love all the attention they get from patrons. It is a great way to educate the public about greyhounds and adoption.


Crook demonstrates that even the most royal of hounds can get a little goofy. She was in a full-on cockroach for a patron.


Much more regal. I love Crook’s custom martingale collar by Needlenose Neckware. I looked for current shop information but her FB page hasn’t been active since 2013.


crazy eyes again… this time in a cockroach


Sweet sisters. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone that they’re naked (without collars) or we’d get in trouble and have tons of people messaging me about how unsafe it is to have them without their collars.



AMP Opposes Amendment to Eliminate US

January 15, 2015

AMP Opposes Amendment to Eliminate US.

I really hope more oppose this. I am very disappointed (and yet well aware) that so many undervalue and are continually devaluing our maritime industry.

“The McCain amendment would gut the nation’s shipbuilding capacity, outsource our U.S. Naval shipbuilding to foreign builders and cost hundreds of thousands of family-wage jobs across this country.”